Life Management Approach: A thought structure that leads to re-invention
Life Management Approach: A thought structure that leads to re-invention
Just as companies have strategies to pursue and achieve goals, individuals can use
a similar approach to move to a better state in their lives.
After spending years studying businesses and organizations, as well as how
individuals apply strategies and theories to achieve a common goal, I started to see
a similar dynamic in my personal life.
The management approach I learned about in books and practiced in the
corporate world started to make sense in my personal life as well. A lot of us wear
many hats in life due to different circumstances. That’s fine—that’s life. The
challenge is to fulfill all the roles and demands of daily life in a balanced and
meaningful way.
As a PhD in business, wife, mother, daughter, sister, and strategic business
manager, I realized that there are a lot of business concepts that we can connect to
our personal lives to help us make better decisions. What I call the Life
Management Approach is a framework for developing personal strategic thinking
to encourage personal development, navigate adversity, manage conflicts, and
maximize personal resources. It helps to establish a thought structure as a strategy
to set up what is really important for a balanced and meaningful life.
Creating change often requires us to see and think about things in a different way. A
new thought structure sets the foundation for actions. Those actions do not have
to be radical or giant, but they are actions with purpose and aim to create real
The Life Management Approach outlines four main pillars of well-being that we
should pay attention to: physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial. These pillars
are the keys to balance, harmony, and inner peace, which, when combined, equal
How can you address the four pillars? Through the allocation of your personal
resources (time, energy, and money). Like business organizations, we, too, have
limited resources. Maximizing and aligning the most important resources for the
good of the four pillars will lead to a more balanced and fulfilled journey. Life issues
will not always correlate one-to-one with these pillars, but this framework helps in
the daily challenges and overall life decisions
Life Management Approach (LMA), a new mindset that create awareness of the
value and the fragility of our existence; how we maximize our resources; the value
of time and sharing; and, in the end, how we can do our best in this journey called