Your Personal Organization: Your Family is Your Best Team

Organizations take the time to develop their mission, values, strategic plans, etc.

They clearly define rules, roles, responsibilities, and processes for the team

members. They also recognize achievements and address deviant conducts. All

these factors create the culture of an organization.

Family is no different. Your family is your personal organization. Like any

organization, family and personal relationships require leadership and a

commitment to success.

Different of a business organization, success at a family level is not a sales increase

or profit growth at the end of the year. It’s more about happiness, harmony, and

fulfillment. It’s about presence and a healthy coexistence. And this applies regardless

of the family composition (family with kids, family with no kids, single parents,

empty nesters, parents living with adult children, and so on).

Your family is the most important team you can belong to. That is why it’s

important to give it the attention it needs and to develop a personal organization


The personal organization strategy consists in the development of a family culture,

with share values, and defined needs and goals. It also includes the actionable

elements like roles and responsibilities of each member. All these elements should

be addresses with honest and open communication, engagement and flexibility.

Family culture, like all other organizational cultures, is not static. In a dynamic

scenario, there’s an opportunity to ask ourselves questions like:

What are our family values and policies?

What internal practices can we improve?

Theses question should start with ourselves, and far from being judgmental, it

should be opportunity to improve our contribution to our personal environment.

The family culture and your “personal organization” is not created suddenly. You

don’t just wake up one day and say, “This is my family culture.” You and all its

members create it over time as a result of daily actions. It is in this inner circle, with

everyone doing small things each and every day, where a solid foundation is


We must pay attention to how these factors manifest in our reality. This approach

starts with you, as an individual.

And don’t forget to cultivate and work in your personal organization with

leadership and love!


Your Personal Needs and Values


Your Most Valuable Resources