Your Most Valuable Resources

As part of a self-awareness process there are three main resources that we should

pay attention, prioritize and maximize:

− Time

− Energy

− Money

Like business organizations, we, too, have limited resources. Maximizing and

aligning the most important resources for the good of the four pillars of wellbeing

(physical, emotional, spiritual & financial) will lead to an improved life state.

We all have limited resources, so we should be careful how we spend

these three.

Time is unique. It is a resource that does not return. It’s what

we use to create, heal, love, and share. Minutes, hours, days, years,

decades—time forms our story, or our journey, and should be

addressed as the precious resource it is through conscientious time

management and purpose.

Energy is related to state of mind and is the inner engine to

pursue and achieve our goals. It’s about the positive or negative

energy we receive and give to others. That inner engine can take us

backward with negativity and imbalance, making our life equation

unsolvable. Or it can take us forward to a life with value-added

results. The power of energy directly impacts our spiritual and

emotional pillars. That is why it is important to be the custodians

of our energy, feeding our hearts and minds with positive and constructive things

and rejecting the emotional trash.

Money is the physical resource that allows us to create and share a lot of things. It

should not be the driver. We should pay attention to it from a resource perspective

and not as an indicator of success

How are you managing your most valuable resources?


Your Personal Organization: Your Family is Your Best Team


Four Pillars of Wellbeing: An alignment for continues growth and development